My daughter Cammy has a keen eye for spotting insects. She is quite the detective and can spot a green baby cricket in the green, green grass. She is a huge fan of those Eye Spy books and it shows. Yesterday she spotted this amazing caterpillar. I have never seen anything like it in all my life. It had these squirming white egg sacs hanging all over it. I don't know if the relationship was symbiotic or if they were eating the caterpillar...it seemed healthy enough. Now it was eating my tomato plants so it had to be removed, but this time we did not try to keep the caterpillar until it cocooned itself. We have tried that twice this summer unsuccessfully....both died after about a week. We housed them with fresh cuttings from the very plants they were devouring and had water for them as well. I need to do some more research on housing these creatures before we try again. As for this fellow....we tried to look him up and found out that the caterpillar is possibly a Luna Activis or a luna moth caterpillar. Sure enough, my husband spotted a Luna moth today. As for the white egg sacs, I couldn't find a picture of those online. If any of you nature lovers have a clue please let us know.
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